Budaörshő Kft. the new service supply company set up by the Hungarian Veolia Group started its operation from 1st January 2022 and provides district heating for almost one fourth of the flats in Budaörs. There will be no change in supply for the consumers, since the new supplier guarantees the reliable and environmentally friendly functioning of the district heating system. For information about any potential changes, customers can visit the company’s on-line platforms or the customer service office.
Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. won the contract for the operation of the district heating network of Budaörs for 25 years by a public procurement procedure in the fall of 2021. The concessionaire BUDAÖRSHŐ Kft., established for carrying out the activity, started its operation and took over the duties and customers of the former municipal company BTG Nonprofit Kft. from the 1st of January 2022. With the new contract, the number of district heating networks operated by Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. has increased to 14.
Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. has significant experience in the field of district heat production and supply, and has become the key market player. In recent years, more and more Municipalities have entrusted the energy supply of their towns and cities to professional companies because of the stricter regulations, the lack of skilled specialists, and the increasing demand for renewable solutions. Companies with solid professional background can more successfully meet these new expectations and ensure the supply of the district heating energy.
Around 22% of the 10 899 flats in Budaörs are connected to the district heating network. The aim of Veolia Energia Magyarország is to operate an efficient and environmentally friendly district heating system in a reliable way to ensure uninterrupted services to the citizens and all its customers.
The district heating network and its facilities (boilers, distribution network, heat centre equipment) taken over are in a well-maintained and proper condition. Our professionals are assessing the possibilities to modernize the system, realize the targeted improvements in the long term. The company will also investigate the possibilities of enlarging the network to the extent of its capacity. Veolia’s ambition in energy supply is to ensure access to renewable solutions for an increasingly wide range of consumers in the future.
All district heat customers have and will be informed about any changes and necessary actions in a newsletter. In addition, the online customer service can be reached via the website https://tavho.veolia.hu by clicking on the Budaörső Kft. icon, where consumers can quickly register themselves and contact us.