To reach its strategic goals, the French mother company of the Veolia Hungary Group launched a customer satisfaction survey that Veolia Hungary joined in 2021. In order to have a more comprehensive picture of the quality of its services, the company included not only business and individual customers in the survey, which ended on December 9, 2022, but also residential customers. Veolia’s aim was to cover 75% of its turnover by the survey, and to reach a score of 30< for the NPS indicator. Both conditions have been successfully met.
The Hungarian Veolia Group organised the customer satisfaction survey in 2022 for the second time. The survey was carried out using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) method, by asking each customer the following question: Would you recommend the services of the company to anyone? The answers could range between 0 and 10 where 0 meant „not at all”, and 10 meant „yes, for sure”. Based on this method, the participants of the survey could be divided into three groups: supporters (from 10 to 9 points), neutrals (from 8 to 7 points) and critics (from 6 to 0 points). In the next step, the percentage score of critics was subtracted from the percentage score of supporters resulting in the NPS value. In addition to the NPS, the group carried out a Net Satisfaction Score (NSS) survey as well in 2022, assessing the satisfaction of residential customers.
The survey focussing on the business (B2B) customers targeted the companies generating the most important turnovers, while the survey focussing on residential customers targeted district heating customers and the customers of the water supply company of Szeged. Those surveyed could give their answers via electronic means, by mail or on the telephone. The surveys could also be filled on tablets provided at the customer services desks of the suppliers.
The NPS and NSS survey for the year 2022 ended on December 9, and the results speak for themselves. The NPS questionnaires were sent to 109 business entities out of which 57 filled them. This number represents 52% of the client base. With this response rate, the NPS indicator of Veolia Hungary Group is 90% at 93% turnover coverage, which is three times higher than the minimum result expected by the mother company.
The NSS (B2C) satisfaction survey reached out to 5 500 district heating customers, of whom 1 359 filled out the questionnaire with 76.31% being supportive. Thus, the final NNS value is 69. The water company of Szeged contacted 4.495 customers of whom 2 890 answered. 91.8% of them were supporters and less than 2% critics, which produced an NSS value of 90.
The positive result confirms that the company is heading in the right direction. Veolia Hungary will continue to do its best to improve the quality of its services, always keeping in mind the environmental and sustainability concerns.