Veolia Hungary’s district heating suppliers have taken a new step towards sustainability. The Tata, Cegléd and Ajka District Heat Supply Companies were awarded the District Heating Ecolabel in 2021 by the Hungarian District Heating Suppliers’ Association. The Ecolabel provides information about the environmental impact of a given service. It also gives an excellent opportunity for consumers to learn about the advantages of district heating allowing them to make a conscious decision when choosing this type of heating.
The District Heating Ecolabel introduced in 2017 is a protected trademark that can be requested by any district heat supply company from the Hungarian District Heating Suppliers’ Association (MaTáSzSz). Its main aim, similarly to the well-proven energy label for household appliances, is to demonstrate to consumers the environmental impact of districting heating networks, since a network is considered good if it operates not only efficiently but also in an environmentally friendly way.
MaTáSzSz awards this certification to those district heating suppliers whose services fulfil certain environmental and sustainable criteria. Three main aspects are taken into account: primary energy efficiency, which shows how much of the heat energy produced by the power plant is actually delivered to the households, the share of renewable energy resources used and the rate of CO2 emissions.
As a result of continuous improvements, more and more Hungarian district heating networks can meet these criteria. Veolia Hungary alone invested nearly 1.7 billion HUF in efficiency-increasing projects in the facilities operated by them. These investment projects do not only contribute to sustainable energy supply, but also to the decreasing of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as security of supply and decreasing import costs. Future developments aim at providing competitively priced and reliable services to consumers, using more and more environmental-friendly and renewable energy resources.
TATA ENERGIA Kft., Cegléd-VEMO and BAKONY-TÁVHŐ Kft. district heat suppliers received this certification in 2021 because they performed above average in the areas assessed. The ecolabel can be used for 3 years. Veolia’s Tata and Cegléd units had already received this certification in 2018 for the use of biomass in Tata and for the proportion of combined heat and electricity production in Cegléd. These two certificates have been renewed this year. BAKONY-TÁVHŐ Kft. supplying district heating in Ajka stands out in its field, as it had received „A” rating in two categories and „A+” rating in another.
Tatai Energia Kft.
Veolia Hungary has been operating the heating plant in Tata since 2012. The facility supplies district heating to 1,802 households and 106 non-residential consumers. With sustainability in mind, district heating and sanitary hot water are primarily produced from agricultural by-products.
The Cegléd heating plant has been operated by Veolia Hungary since 2,000 supplying 1,881 households and 5 public buildings. Heat is produced by means of combined heat and electricity generation.
Veolia Hungary purchased the majority of shares in Bakony Power Plant in Ajka on December 28, 2017 as part of a long-term professional strategic plan. Last year the company won a 25-year concession to operate the district heat supply company Bakony-Távhő Kft. as well. The district heating network supplies heat produced from mainly renewable energy resources to more than 7,000 households.