Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. surprised its female employees with a special Women’s Day gift.
Júlia Nedeczky, the first Hungarian female rock climber who reached mountain peaks above 8 000 m kept a live presentation entitled „About Mountains and Souls” streamed online to the group’s employees in every corner of the country.
The presentation addressed questions like what we can learn from the mountains about the world and ourselves, how we can use the experience obtained in the mountains in our every days, and how we live sustainably inside and out.
The climber, working as a psychologist, started her presentation by telling the audience how she had found the inspiration to take up a sport considered by many as masculine, how she used to be attracted to the mountains since she was a little girl (drawings, paintings, jumping, climbing up and down, etc.), and how she was held back for a long time by the old reflex of „women cannot do such things”. Thanks to a fortunate meeting, she realised that she could fulfil her dream even as a woman: she could get up to 8000 m high mountain peaks helping improve her self-awareness and to reach her goals step-by-step.
In the second part of the presentation, Júlia presented all the experiences that she had gained on the road to the „summit”, experiences that were also confirmed by psychological research. Living the moment, having the courage to live one’s own life, listening to the intuitions while thinking critically before our a decision is taken, being able to ask for help, to feel active pleasure can all contribute to the sensation of a greater happiness, satisfaction, and serenity in our lives. The struggles of mountain climbing has taught her that the world is infinite, and what we see around us is only a part of the reality. She has learnt to re-evaluate the comforts provided by civilisation and to be grateful for the smallest things, thus building up self-control.
The main message she wants to convey to us is that being good enough can be enough, big achievements can be done by small steps, and we must allow ourselves to celebrate when we reach a goal, because that is how we can be happy and content on a long term, no matter what kind of job or hobby we do.
Veolia launched the „Yes WEDO” program on the occasion of International Women’s Day between the 7th and the 11th of March 2022, with the aim to promote and highlight gender diversity and professional equality. The Hungarian business unit of Veolia organised the above presentation as a part of this program, to help female employees to live a balanced and happy life even in this hectic and stressful world we live in.