Veolia's Talent Deserves a Chance Program Wins Art is Business Award

Veolia's Talent Deserves a Chance program recognized in the Corporate Art Project category

The Talent Deserves a Chance program, a company initiative that supports the development and self-discovery of young people living in state care through the arts, has received further recognition. In the program's second season this year, more than 20 children were given the opportunity to develop their talents and participate in various art and leisure programs. Our company received the award at the Art is Business award ceremony on December 11th.

The Art is Business awards ceremony was held on December 11th at the National Dance Theatre, where Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt.'s Talent Deserves a Chance program was also honored. Our initiative received recognition in the "Corporate Art Project" category, which recognizes projects implemented specifically within the framework of artistic collaborations, thus supporting the role of companies in art programs. The recognition Veolia received with the award highlights the program's exemplary combination of social responsibility and support for the arts.

Launched in 2021, the primary goal of the Talent Deserves a Chance program is to develop children in state care through art therapy and to provide them with opportunities to get closer to their goals through art. During the second season of the program in 2023-2024, in collaboration with contemporary artists and the Bolyai Children's Home, more than 20 children living in state care were given the opportunity to develop their talents and personalities through art.

The award was taken over by Ágnes Oláh, Marketing Manager, who emphasized in her acceptance speech that the Talent Deserves a Chance program is particularly important to Veolia, as it provides an opportunity for our company to pass on its sustainability values to the next generation while supporting children who might not otherwise have access to these opportunities. The aim of the initiative is for young people to find new ways of self-expression through visual arts, while also focusing on their personal development and the unfolding of their talents. Our company believes that these programs can not only bring significant changes to the lives of the participating children, but also contribute to the wider dissemination of sustainability values and environmental awareness, combining the experience of creation with the company's values.

The success of the Talent Deserves a Chance program at the Art is Business awards ceremony, in addition to the personal development of the participating children, is also a recognition of Veolia's social responsibility and the supporting role of art. Veolia's goal is to create opportunities for as many young people as possible to develop their talents in the future, while also strengthening sustainability initiatives and promoting equal opportunities. The award is positive reinforcement that it is worthwhile in the long term to combine community value creation with the power of the arts.