Veolia Gas Trade Hungary Zrt.

Veolia Gas Trade Hungary Zrt. will procure natural gas for Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. and its subsidiaries under its control. For the time being, the company has a limited Hungarian natural gas trade license, it will be present on the domestic CEEGEX and Austrian CEGH gas exchanges, from where it can import in the event of shortages on the domestic gas market. 

Thanks to the efficient competences of the in-house gas trading team and the integrated approach, the lowest cost procurement options can be realized.

It is a medium-term strategy for Veolia to acquire and distribute the gas required by consumers in Central and Eastern Europe in a centralized manner.


Key figures of the company

Company name:Veolia Gas Trade Hungary Zrt.
Headquarters:2040 Budaörs, Szabadság út 301.
Place of company registration:Budapest Környéki Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Company registration number:Cg. 13-10-042475
Tax number:13132446-2-13
Registration Date:2003.10.28.

The address of the company's customer service: 
2040 Budaörs, Szabadság út 301.
Customer service contact:
Phone: + 36 23 806 359

E-mail: [email protected] 